Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Time shows its impact on our body and face; as years go by, our face loses some of its volume and thus the shadows and ‘empty’ areas seen in the mirror.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filling injections offer reliable skin solutions, restoring skin’s appearance, and their effect lasts for a period of 8 to 12 months, depending on the skin’s condition, therapy chosen and the plan’s accumulative effect.
We use HA’s biodegradable and restorative properties to:
- Reduce and even eliminate wrinkles around the mouth and lips, our known smile lines, marionette lines, and vertical lip lines offering the face a much fresher and youthful look
- Increase the volume of the lips – making them look fuller and more juicy
- Give a better contour around the lip area and the overall face area (very helpful in case of an oval shaped face)
- Increase the volume on the cheek area (cheek augmentation)
- Reduce and even eliminate black circles under the eyes (HA is injected using a special canula –painless injection)
- Improve the aesthetic outlook of the face skin (ie acne scars)
- Increase the volume on the back of the hands – offering a much youthful and healthier look
- Improve the shape and the firmness of buttocks
HA Dermal fillers offer exceptional results and can be combined with other therapies too.
At our practice, we advise towards a natural result (rather than a frozen and doll-like look) and that is why we take a careful approach to study your angles, your wrinkles, the depth and extent of your nasolabial folds and the areas we should accentuate to suggest a plan that with strengthen your cheeks (improving the overall face contour) and improve your overall look in a way that surprises positively but does not raise questions on ‘who you are’.
Enjoy your uniqueness in time!
We use HA products that are FDA and EMA approved (US and European Health Organisations) and we administer any HA therapy only after consultation to ensure that you are eligible for such a treatment.
Finally, if you wonder about side-effects, HA Derma Fillers are biodegradable, and the only side-effects noticed in some cases are temporary and light swelling, bruising, redness and bleeding. Sometimes shallow lumps might be formed until HA is fully absorbed. These side-effects however disappear using ice pads and creams.