Peelings - Exfoliation

As time goes by, our skin looses its vibrance as dryness, discoloration, wrinkles, clogged pores, blackheads and milia start appearing, especially after long exposures to sun light and ineffective cleansing routines. Peeling treatments help us overturn these undesirable timebound side effects, and restore both the health and the appearance of any skin type.
You may wish to visit our practice just for one treatment only as in the case of a special event for example or plan with us a therapy regime which is suitable for scars and discoloration cases. In either case, your skin will look younger, healthier and brighter.
There are different types of peeling formulas based on the depth and exfoliation effect that is needed and they are applied directly onto the skin, with a special brush. You will be seated comfortably during the process that includes a cooling mask at the final stage, and you may only see your skin slightly redder (according to the type of peeling used) for a short time after. Your aftercare guidelines include the frequent use of a sun protection cream of SPF 50 right from the moment you leave our practice.
Minding any discomfort during the process, notes on persistent light irritation and light burning effects have rarely been reported from our experience and this is why you should always visit a dermatologist experienced in chemical peeling treatments vs at-home treatments, to ensure your safety and expected outcome.
If you want to improve your skin’s brightness, reduce fine wrinkles and reverse discoloration effects, the choice of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) formulas is common and safe. AHA peeling formulas impact the outer skin layer (epidermis) only, and their application helps activate the production of new skin cells, hence the immediate rejuvenating effect.
If you suffer from acute Acne, the combination of glycolic, galactic and salicylic acid is best due to their – combined - higher keratin degradation potency and anti-inflammatory properties.
In case your skin suffers from rosacea (a chronic skin inflammatory condition) experiencing redness, flushing, skin sensitivity or skin thickness, contrary to what is commonly believed about the suitability of a chemical exfoliation, such a treatment can be part of a wider therapy, using in this case, the softer exfoliation version the mandelic acid offers towards reducing inflammation and managing the condition’s triggers and impact.
A chemical peeling treatment is also suitable as part of a therapy against melasma (a chronic refractory acquired hyperpigmentation of the skin). In this case, peeling formulas with whitening agents can prove effective especially in cases where the melanin deposits are found in the upper skin layers. Patients benefit as the carefully selected and applied peeling solution enables the removal of the epidermal melanin and can result into quite satisfactory results if combined with topical therapies as well.
Chemical peeling treatments are quite effective for age spots!
A TCA peeling therapy that will usually consist of 2 or 3 treatments will definitely eradicate most of that speckled and mottled image you are annoyed with. In such cases, peeling solutions that contain trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are suggested as they can have a deeper penetration and thus rejuvenation effect.
You will be pleasantly surprised by your smoother, and younger-looking complexion!